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Peer- To- Peer News - The Week In Review - November 1. Volume V, Issue #1. I am sick and tired of it. Watch The Full Last Men In Aleppo (2017) The Movie. That's why I thought it was necessary to start this organization because I can't take it any more. Until then, the only people likely to embrace this kind of technology are those with mischief in mind. So we need to utilize everything we can.
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Blockbuster blockbusters blockers blocking blocs blog bloggers blogging blogosphere blogs. News Archive for November 2002. 7967 0 (0) 9/29/2015 12:29:03 PM - If you're a movie producer. The online movie service Movielink has announced a.
News archive (5 / 2007). PayPlay launched "the world's largest MP3 download store". Apple freaks out over iGasm promotion.
Simpson Et Tu, Tube? Show stages are constrained spaces. They are only so wide and so deep. Producing a play means facing this limitation. There are only so many ways a designer can light and dress a set. If God uses an infinite amount of filters and reflectors when He lights His Stage, mere mortals are constrained to something far less.
This hasn. The director made certain decisions and the set designers took over from there. Magic was made. The show was a hit or it wasn. Life went on. Designers are suing people when someone stages a production in a similar fashion. It sounds a little strange since the person suing used techniques that were themselves invented by previous designers (remember there are only so many ways to work a small space), but since the true originators couldn. Designers are either suing or threatening to sue shows that have (they claim) ''stolen their'' designs, as well as used other heretofore communal aspects of universal show production. That the Chicago show closed isn. Why would it? Anyone wishing to cash in on this intellectual policy gold mine won.
As the purveyor of a new television service however Mark has a few horses in this race and as a potential owner of a company already threatening You. Tube he is too close to the action to be taken seriously as a disinterested party, but he. So in the man bites dog department things took a bad turn this week when You. Tube itself did the threatening, aiming its legal muscle at one of its own users. A couple of guys at an outfit called Tech. Dirt whipped up a little app that lets You. Tube viewers put these user- submitted vids on their hard drives and the new Google subsidiary doesn.
Even in today. Using the fast Opera browser for instance clicking a video starts loading it to the cache (C: \Documents and Settings\You\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\cache. Depending then on how one has set the cache the video stays there indefinitely, even when one goes to another page, closes the browser or shuts down the computer entirely. Nor is this limited to PCs running obscure browsers from Norway.
The same goes for other browsers, computers and even platforms such as Macs which also put the video on the hard drive (/private/var/tmp/folders. I=items/). In addition to the players that already handle FLV extensions there are freeware programs (like Batch FLV Converter which I use) that convert tmps or flvs to AVIs and MPEGs when needed, and finally simply cutting these You. Tube delivered files out of the cache and pasting them into another folder means one has them for as long as one wants. The whole cease and desist business is dishonest. You. Tube didn. In reality however You. Tube? The answer isn. On the one hand file sharing has never been healthier, but it.
The courts have settled into a comfortable position regarding peer to peer and they. Very briefly things looked like they could change and while exciting and lots of fun it was short lived and ultimately ineffectual, although the seeds for a true movement were planted so it bears watching and cultivating (c. Here of course the Democrats just finished off the Republicans, ending twelve years of Republican rule in the House and if a lot of that had to do with disgust over Republicans selling their votes to the highest bidders .
There is a theory . I know we can do it, and I know it. Our representatives aren.
In the meantime I do see real progress on privacy and other extremely important quality of life legislation, something the Democrats care deeply about in spite of their over hyped reputations as lovers of big government. Expect to see genuine change on those issues in the next several years. It may be that life means never really getting everything you want, that the heady expectations we riffed on in the early days of peer- to- peer, of interconnected communities, celestial juke- boxes and the freedom that comes with emancipation from authority and suppression have proven somewhat broad, but that may not necessarily be the whole story. The white hot flame has banked some, but we accomplished just about everything we set out to do.
We belong to many communities, we share much of everything and we communicate effortlessly over great distances and do it free from outside interference. I would prefer a little more legal clarity and cover but in the meantime I do realize I.
If that sounds a bit simplistic perhaps it. I see the signs in many areas from new business models to the beginnings of a general cultural relaxation around non- commercial copying. At least those nuts haven. We always do and really who?
We are the world after all. As Volume V begins I. It makes the time spent putting this magazine together more than worth it. It also makes it fun. I hope a little of that fun and astonishment found its way into your homes as well.
Happy 4th Birthday Wi. R. Yours,Jack Spratts. November 1. 6th, 2. Danbury, Connecticut. November 1. 8th, '0. Lime. Wire to Filter Out Adobe Products.
Lime. Wire today announced on the company blog that from now on they will be filtering out Adobe products like Photoshop that are distributed illegally over P2. P networks that Lime. Wire hooks into. This move is part of a . They say this is . This became apparent when they added a pop- up message that notified users that a license for the song/file they were downloading could not be found and asked them if they were sure they wanted to download it anyway.
Lime. Wire was sued by the RIAA earlier this year after the company announced that it was planning to integrate Bit. Torrent support in the program. The RIAA demanded $1. News reported how during its 'exclusive' test it downloaded Limeware software only to find it contained password cracking software. Our report miffed INQ reader Dominic Webb who contacted the 7. News hack, Tony Kovaleski, and called him out on his claim.
Sure enough, after a bit more digging it turned out the TV hack had got it all wrong and confirmed that Limewire did not include any password cracking software. This license file is not a threat to a computer, Kovaleski said. It turned out that his malware detector had triggered on a unique GNU license downloaded by Lime. Wire to 7. News' computer. This licence had a . Limewire installed this unique license file on 7. New's system. Kovaleski established that it was this license which triggered the alert, not the installation of the actual application pwl.
The telly company has since modified its 'exclusive' story. Next week it might be writing a P2. P gives you cancer story, so watch carefully. Individuals and companies using pirated software could be fined up to five times the value of the software when the new rule takes effect, he said. In other words, a company that uses software with a value of $6,2. The WTO formally invited Vietnam to join the Geneva- based group on Tuesday, and the communist country is working to upgrade its laws and regulations to bring them in line with global standards. A version of Microsoft Windows can be bought for as little as 5.
The company, a joint venture between South Korea's Daewoo Corp., and Hanel, a local company, was ordered to pay a fine of $9. When the new regulation takes effect, a company using software of that value could be fined as much as $3.
Open source out. U- Turn At Thai ICT Ministry. New ICT Minister plans to overturn many of the decisions of his predecessors. Don Sambandaraksa. ICT Minister Sitthichai.. Speaking at the IT Press Club, Minister Sitthichai said that he was looking for an investment of around 2. Thai Mobile and between 1. CAT in order to complete the roll- out of next generation communication networks for the two former state enterprises.