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Get access to trailers, media and news on 20th Century Fox movies currently in theaters now and upcoming future releases. Watch Ferdinand the movie, starring Kate McKinnon, David Tennant and John Cena. See new trailers, get news and updates at the official movie site. December 2017 movie releases and movies that come to theaters in December 2017.
December 2. 01. 7 Movies.
Invention and Inventors - Pdf Download . This table is very useful for the General Knowledge / General Awareness section of LIC AAO, SSC CGL, Banking and all other competitive exams. We are providing this Scientists and Inventions list in pdf format too. You can download and take printout if you want. We hope this will help you in your exam.
All the best and Happy Reading : )Download Pdf file of Inventors and Inventions list from here. List of Scientists / Inventors and their Inventions. Scientist’s / Inventor's Name. Invention. A. Celsius. Centrigrade scale.
A. L. Lumiere. Cenema. A. L. Breguet. Watch. A. Parker. Celluloid Adolph Rickenbackerelectric guitar.
Alessandro Volta. Electric Battery. Alexander Fleming. Penicillin. Alexanderson. Radio transmitter. Alfred B. Nobel. Dynamite.
Alfred Binet. I. Q. Test. Alfred Kinsey. Human Sexuality. Alfred Wegener. Continental Drift. American Viscose Co. Rayon. Amundson (1. South Pole. Anderson.
Positive Electrons. Andreas Vesalius.
New Anatomy. Andre- Marie Ampere. Galvanometer. Antoine Joseph Sax. Saxophone. Antoine Laurent. Lavoisier. Revolution in.
Chemistry. Archimedes. Specific Gravity. Archimedes. Principle for lever.
S. P. Gravity)Archimedies. Archimedean Screw. Arthur Eddington. Modern Astronomy. August Kekule. Chemical Structure. Avogadro. Avogadro's Hypothesis. B. Goodrich. Zipper.
B. Skinner. Behaviorism. Baird. Television.
Bardeen, Shockley. Brattain. Transistor. Benjamin Franklin. Bifocal Lens. Benjamin Franklin. Lightning Conductor. Bessemer. Steel Melting Process. Binet. Intelligence test.
Bohr. Electron Theory. Bohr and Rutherford. Atomic Structure. Boyle. Boyle's law.
Braille. Printing for the Blind. Braun, Dr. Wernher Von. Space flying. Broquett. Helicopter. Bunsen. Spectroscope. C. Brush. Arc Lamp. C. Hugyens. Clock (pendulum)C.
Sholes. Typewriter. C. V. Raman. Crystal Dynamics. C. V. Raman. Raman effect.
Carl Gauss (Karl. Friedrich Gauss)Mathematical Genius.
Carl Linnaeus. Binomial Nomenclature. Carlton Mcgee. Parking meter.
Carothers. Nylon Plastic. Cartwright. Powerloom. Casimir Funk. Vitamin B1. Cavandish. Rare Gas.
Cavendish. Hydrogen. Chadwick. Neutron. Chandrasekhar. Mathematical Astro. Physics. Charles Babbage. Computer. Charles Babbage Difference engine.
Charles Darwin. Evolution. Charles Darwin. Evolution (theory)Charles Darwin. Origin of Species. Charles Goodyearrubber (vulcanized)Charles Goodyear. Vulcanised Rubber.
Charles Lyell. Modern Geology. Charles Macintosh. Raincoat. Charles Macintosh. Rubber (waterproof)Charles Macintosh.
Waterproof Rubber. Charles Sherrington.
Neurophysiology. Chester Carlsonzerox machine. Christiaan Huygens. Wave Theory of Light.
Christian Barnard. Replacing human heart. Christopher Cockerell. Hovercraft. Claude Bernard. Founding of Modern. Physiology. Claude Levi- Strauss. Structural. Anthropology.
Col. Schick. Razor (electric)Columbus (1. West Indies. Conrad Elvehjem. Vitamin Niacin. Copernicus (1.
Solar System. Coulomb. Fundamental Laws of.
Electric Attraction. D. Taylor and. L. C. Young. Radar. Dr. Turing. Electronic Computer. Dr. Lee de Forest. Film (with sound)Dr.
Richard Gatling. Machine Gun. Dr. William Stokes. Rene Laennec. Stethoscope. Dr. Hargobiad Khorana. Deciphering the. genetic code. Dr. Paul Muller. D.
D. T. Dr. Philip Drinker. Drinker's Chamber of. Iron Lung. Dr. Sigmund Freud. Psycho- analysis. Cheap Armed Response (2017) Movie. E. G. Otis. Lift. Edison. Incandescent Bulb.
Edison. Phonograph. Edmund Cartwright. Power Loom. Edward Jenner. Vaccination. Edward Mellanby. Vitamin DEdward O. Wilson. Sociobiology. Edward Teller. Bomb.
Edwin Hubble. Modern Telescope. Eijkman. Beri - Beri. Einstein. Theory of Relativity. Elisha G. Otis. Elevator. Elmer V. Mc. Collum.
Vitamin BElmer V. Mc. Collum and. M. Davis. Vitamin AEmil Fischer. Organic Chemistry. Enrico Fermi. Atomic Physics. Ernest Rutherford.
Structure of the Atom. Ernst Haeckel. Biogenetic Principle. Ernst Mayr. Evolutionary Theory. Erwin Schrodinger.
Wave Mechanics. Euclid. Foundations of. Mathematics. Euclid. Geometry. Evangelista Torricelli. Barometer. F. Banting. Insulin. Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit Scale.
Fahrenheit. Mercury Thermometer. Faraday. Electricity. Faraday. Induction of Electric. Current. Faraday. Law of Electrolysis.
Francis Crick. Molecular Biology. Francis Galton. Eugenics. Frank Whittle. Jet Propulsion. Franz Boas. Modern Anthropology.
Frederick Sanger. Genetic Code. Friese- Greene. Cine camera. Fulton. Steam boat. G. Bradshaw. Scooter. G. Claude. Neon- lamp. G. Ferdinand Von. Zeppelin. Airship (rigid)G.
Marconi. Radio. Galileo. Telescope. Galileo Galilei. New Science. Galileo Gallei. Thermometer. Gauss. Electric Measurement.
Gay Lussac. Law of gases. George Eastman. Camera. George Gaylord Simpson. Tempo of Evolution.
George Westinghouse. Air Brake. Gertrude Belle Elion.
Pharmacology. Gottlieb Daimler. Carburetor. Gottlieb Daimler.
Carburettor. Gregor Mendel. Laws of Inheritance. Gregory Mandel. Laws of Heredity. Gustav Kirchhoff. Spectroscopy. H. Seeley. Electric Flat Iron.
H. C. Urey. Deuterium (Heavy. Water)H. W. Seeley. Electric iron. Hadley. Sextant. Hahnemann. Homoeopathy. Hans Bethe.
Energy of the Sun. Hans Selye. Stress Concept.
Harry Brearley. Stainless Steel. Harvey. Blood Circulation. Heike Kamerlingh. Superconductivity. Heitz. Electrical Waves. Henry Becquerel. Radio- activity of Uranium.
Henry Bessemer. Steel production. Henry Great Head. Life Boat. Herbert Evans and. Katherine Bishop Vitamin EHermann Fottinger. Automatic gearbox. Hermann von Helmholtz. Rise of German Science.
Herschel William. Uranus (Planet)Hideki Yakawa. Meson. Hippalus. Scientific astronomy.
Hoffman. Aniline Dyes. Hopkins and Funk. Vitamins. Hsing and Ling- Tsan. Clock (machanical)Isaac Newton. Newtonian Revolution. J. Froelich. Tractor.
J. Whinfield and H. Dunlop. Bicycle Tyre. J. C. Perier. Ship (steam)J.
C. Bose. Crescograph. J. E. Lurdstrom. Match (safety)J. J. Thomson. Electrons. Jacob Schick. Electric razor Jacques and Joseph. Montgolfier. Balloon. James Clerk Maxwell. Electromagnetic Field.
James Hargreaves. Spinning jenny. James Harrison and. James Young Simpson.
Chloroform. James Harrison. Alexander Catlin. Refrigerator. James Lind. Vitamin CJames Watson. Structure of DNAJames Watt. Steam Engine. James Watt. Steam engine. (condenser)Jean Baptiste Lamarck.
Foundations of Biology. Jean Piaget. Child Development. Johann Phillip Reis.
Alexander Graham Bell, Elisha Gray, Amos E. Dolbear, and Thomas Edison.
Microphone. Johann Vaaler. Paper clip. Johannes Gutenberg. Printing Press. Johannes Kepler. Motion of the Planets.
John Boyd Dunlop. Pneumatic Tyres. John Dalton. Theory of the Atom. John Harrison. Chronometer John J.
Loud. Ball- Point Pen. John Logie Baird. Television. (mechanical)John Napier. Logarithmic Tables.
John Napier. Logarithms. John von Neumann. Modern Computer. Joseph Aspdin. Cement Joseph J. Thomson. Electron. Joule, James Prescoft. Measurement of. Electrical Energy.
Joules. Mechanical Equivalent. Heat. K. G. Gillete. Raazor (safety)Karl Benz. Automobiles using. Karl Benz. Gasoline engine. Karl Butler. Motor Car (petrol)Karl Landsteiner. Blood Groups. Kepler.
Laws of Planetary. Motion. King C. Gillette. Safety Razor. Kirkpatrick Macmillan. Bicycle. Kodak. Film &. Photographic goods. Konrad Lorenz. Ethology.
Lablanc. Washing Soda. Lawrence. Cyclotron.
Lee- de- Frost. Talkies. Leo H Baekeland. Bakelite. Levi Strauss. Jeans. Lewis E. Waterman.
Fountain Pen. Lippman. Coloured Photographyllly Brandt. T. N. T. Lockyer. Helium Gas. Lord Joseph Lister. Antiseptic Surgery. Lord Kelvin. Dynamical theory of.
Heat. Louis Braille. Braille. Louis Pasteur. Germ Theory of Disease.
Louis Pasteur. Hydrophobia. Louis Pasteur. Rabies Vaccine. Louis Victor de. Broglie. Wave/Particle Duality.
Lucretius. Scientific Thinking. Lucy Wills. Vitamin Folic acid. Ludwig Boltzmann.
Thermodynamics. Lynn Margulis. Symbiosis Theory. Madame Curie. Radium. Marcello Malpighi. Microscopic Anatomy.
Marcony. Wireless Telegraphy. Maria Montessori. Montessori Method. Marie Curie. Radioactivity. Max Born. Quantum Mechanics.
Max Delbruck. Bacteriophage. Max Planck. Quanta. Max plank. Quantum Theory.
Max von Laue. X- ray Crystallography. Maxwell. Electromagnetic Theory. Meghnad Saha. Effect of Pressure on. Mendeleef. Periodic Law.