Film Noir Movies Rumble (2017)
Cinema 2. 1 Theatre, Portland, Oregon. Sharing the same spirit of '2. Feet From Stardom' and 'Searching for Sugar Man,' which both put overlooked performers center stage, this film examines the influence of Native Americans on popular music.
The 1. 5 Greatest Boxing Movies Of All Time. For all of its grotesque bloodletting, bombastic trash talk, and overt egotism, boxing is an intimate sport about dignity and self- respect. In 2. 01. 5’s Creed, Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky tells his young apprentice that boxing isn’t about fighting an opponent; it’s about entering the ring as one man and leaving as different and better man.
However, we only wanted to include movies where actual boxing matches were central to the plot; classics like The Quiet Man and On The Waterfront failed to make the cut because, while boxing plays a key role in the backstories of those films, they don’t much factor into the immediate storylines of the movies, that legendary “I coulda’ been a contender” speech notwithstanding. With that in mind, here are the 1.

Greatest Boxing Movies Of All Time. Cinderella Man. Lately, Ron Howard’s been having a difficult time as his most recent film, Inferno, is crashing and burning at the domestic box office. It’s the latest in a string of flops for the director, including In the Heart of the Sea, Rush, and The Dilemma. The talented Howard really hasn’t had a commercially successful hit since 2. Angels & Demons.
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However, just because a film doesn’t make box- office headlines, doesn’t mean it’s not a great movie. In 2. 00. 5, Ron Howard directed Russell Crowe in Cinderella Man, based on the true story of Irish boxer James Braddock. While boxing historians took umbrage with the overly villainous portrayal of Heavyweight Champion Max Baer, there’s no denying the palpable emotion in the story of Braddock, a man who represented the poverty- stricken working class of America during the Great Depression. Despite reuniting director Howard with his A Beautiful Mind star Crowe and tackling an exciting and inspirational story, Cinderella Man, even with glowing reviews, failed to make its mark on the box office. Unlike A Beautiful Mind, which managed to make over $3. Cinderella Man could only muster up a global total of just $1. Million Dollar Baby.
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Overview of West Side Story, 1961, directed by Robert Wise, with Natalie Wood, Richard Beymer, Russ Tamblyn, at Turner Classic Movies. CrazyAsianGFs – SiteRip. Want to see black amateur girlfriends showing off their hot ebony asses while getting freaky on some homemade sex videos? Rififi (French: Du rififi chez les hommes a) is a 1955 French crime film adaptation of Auguste Le Breton's novel of the same name. Directed by American blacklisted.
Clint Eastwood is one of those directors whose body of work is so broad that it’s impossible to narrow down his career to a single magnum opus. Still, the ultimate tough guy was at the top of his game when he directed and co- starred in Million Dollar Baby, a film which won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. Hillary Swank won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role as Maggie, an amateur fighter who finds herself under the wing of Eastwood, a firm- but- fair mentor. Every boxing movie is about how people fight to live the way they want to live, whether it be earning financial independence or conquering inner demons. Without spoiling the film’s shocking twist ending, Million Dollar Baby is about how not every fight can be won, and the ways in which loss can be handled with grace and dignity.
It’s about friendship and loyalty, and the lengths to which people are willing to go to honor the wishes of their loved ones. Ali. Another film that earned top marks from critics but failed to impress at the box office is the Michael Mann/Will Smith collaboration Ali, based on the life of the all- time greatest champion ever to grace the sport, Muhammad Ali. Will Smith was nominated for an Oscar for his performance as the fighter formerly known as Cassius Clay, and director Mann tackles not only the man, but the era of 1. The film also touches on Clay’s discovery and championing of Islam, his controversial objection to the Vietnam War, and his complicated relationship with figures like Malcolm X.
Mann’s distinct visual language and flair for sequences set to popular music shines through here, though one should expect nothing less from the one- time showrunner of Miami Vice. The fight scenes, in particular, shine with a stunning mix of grandiose imagery and the close- quarters intensity of real boxing.
It’s true: no punches were pulled, and Will Smith actually took some staggering blows to the face while shooting the film. The real- life Ali was deeply impressed by Smith’s portrayal; when Muhammad Ali passed away in 2. Smith acted as a pall bearer at his funeral. The Fighter. Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale starred in The Fighter, based on the true story of Micky Ward (Wahlberg) and Dicky Eklund, two brothers in the world of late 1. Christian Bale won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Eklund, who was once a promising star of the sport.
Having gone the distance, surviving ten rounds with Sugar Ray Leonard, he ultimately finds himself in the midst of an addiction to crack. When the film begins, he is training his brother Micky, though family drama and financial troubles, not to mention the judgement- impairing qualities of crack cocaine, cause immense strain in the brothers’ relationship. The Fighter was Wahlberg’s passion project for the better part of five years, and the actor got into stunning shape for the role, going so far as to refuse a stunt double and opt to perform his fights himself, such was his desire for unrivaled authenticity. Thanks to director David O. Russell, the film is presented as, essentially, an R- rated version of Rocky, with the added twist of a complicated family dynamic and a real- life parable about the downward spiral of drug addiction. That the lows are so unbearably low allows the eventual triumphs to be that much more effective.
Body and Soul. After the end of World War II, professional boxing had its reputation marred by accusations of criminal influence. The extent of mafia interference in the outcome of matches will never truly be fully understood, but the shadiness of boxing, combined with its unrepentant celebration of violence, gives it a much darker edge than most other sports. This perceived darkness made boxing the perfect backdrop for film noir movies of the 1.
One of the best of those films is Body and Soul, about a boxer whose struggle for success is undermined by the greed of powerful men. It’s a thinly- veiled parable about capitalism and how the system is rigged towards rich and powerful manipulators, at the expense of honest, hard- working people. The film’s writer, Abraham Polonsky, would eventually be blacklisted during the dark days of the Red Scare.
Beyond its controversial themes that still resonate to this day, Body and Soul was also notable for its innovative camerawork. The legend goes that cinematographer James Wong Howe captured the fight scenes by zipping around the set on a pair of rollerskates with a handheld camera. Even among its film noir contemporaries, Body and Soul has a visual style which stands the test of time and has aged incredibly well.
Hard Times. In real life, people don’t come much tougher than boxers. These are athletes whose livelihood depends on their ability to give and receive fists to the face. In the old days, before concussion- inducing padded gloves were introduced, the sport was even bloodier. Bare knuckle boxing, as it was called, was America’s great back- alley pastime, and no film captures the violent spirit of the sport as Walter Hill’s Hard Times, starring Charles Bronson as a nameless man of few words with a gift for hand- to- hand combat. In the annals of Hollywood history, there’s never been, nor will there likely ever be, a man as tough as Charles Bronson. Sci Fi Thriller Movies Beguiled (2017) on this page.
Likewise, Walter Hill made a career out of the glorious combination of adrenaline and testosterone with films like The Warriors, The Driver, Streets of Fire, and countless others. Hard Times is simply one of the most masculine movies ever made, with some of the most righteously barbaric face- punching ever caught on film, all wrapped in a tight 1. Requiem For A Heavyweight. Requiem for a Heavyweight was Rod Serling’s breakthrough success as a writer. He would later go on to create The Twilight Zone, one of the most revered television series of all time. There are no science fiction or supernatural elements in Requiem, however.