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The 2. 2 Best Vegan Documentaries to Inspire You. Looking for the best and most educational vegan flicks out there?
Look no further. We dug deep to compile this massive list of the best vegan documentaries and short films we could find. The topics covered range from health, over environment, to animal advocacy. Some films, of course, deal with several of these.
More.. We'll start out with the very best stuff out there, continue with some documentaries that have one or two flaws but are still worth watching and finish with a couple of bonus free- to- watch speeches on youtube that will rock your socks. We briefly discuss what each documentary is about, what you can learn from it, where you can watch it along with some other info (like if the film contains graphic footage) and the official trailer.
Coverage of food. From Tulsa World Magazine, this is our definitive guide to the food, experiences and places that make Tulsa the unique and vibrant city it is. It’s Monday, which makes it a good day to channel your inner current-gen Mazda Miata: smiling on the outside, yet ready to give somebody a hardcore evil eye at any. What the Health (2017) What it's about. Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn are at it again. After their debut with Cowspiracy, this time around, their focus is on human.
In the few cases that the full documentary was available on Youtube, we simply embedded the whole thing here. What the Health (2. After their debut with Cowspiracy, this time around, their focus is on human health - or rather the detrimental effects of animal foods and how they could be prevented. We're joining Kip as he speaks to several medical doctors and researchers about the growing body of evidence on the health dangers of animal foods and how they contribute to our leading causes of death.
Baffled by the fact that leading health organizations seem to be remaining quiet about this - or even presenting dangerous advice - Kip is determined to get to the bottom of things. We follow him as he tackles several major health organizations such as the American Heart Association or the American Diabetes Association, just to find the depressing truth of conflicting interests and massive corporate influence on the nation's health. Why you should watch it. Just like its predecessor Cowspiracy, What the Health is an incredibly eye- opening documentary that's fact- dense yet fun to watch due to the investigative style and Kip's intrepid nature. It presents some of the latest nutritional science and uncovers the ways in which big pharmaceutical and food businesses try to suppress the truth.
The film ends on an inspirational note as it shows people who have turned their lives around and now thrive on an entirely plant- based diet. WHAT THE HEALTHCategory: Health. Info. Running length: 1h 3. Director: Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn. Release year: 2. 01.
Graphic Footage. Colin Campbell, co- author of the China Study and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, author of . The real life examples (i. It's usually the number one recommended piece when trying to convince people of the ethical aspect of veganism. Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, the movie uses hidden cameras to portrait the unpleasant truth about the exploitation and killing of innocent beings in the areas of pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and science. The footage is VERY graphic and gruesome and might be too much to handle for some as it is just very painful and disturbing to watch how these sentient beings are being treated. The film opens our eyes to the cruel practices going on behind the walls of different kinds of animal industries that many of us simply aren't aware of or conveniently try to not to think about: It's shocking but eye- opening at the same time.
Earthlings conveys the message that we are all creatures that feel pain, seek to survive and want to minimize suffering. Comparing the exploitation and killing of certain species (speciesism) to racism and sexism, Earthlings urges the exploitation and killing of certain species (speciesism) to racism and sexism. Why you should watch it. For non- vegans, it may open the door to veganism as there's no more blissful ignorance. Many will make the connection, be more compassionate, and not support animal exploiting industries anymore. Already vegans may strengthen their commitment to speak up and actively raise awareness to bring change. EARTHLINGSCategory: Animals.
Info. Running length: 1h 3. Director: Shaun Monson. Release year: 2. 00. Graphic Footage. The crowdfunded documentary film uncovers that animal agriculture is the primary driver of climate change and responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the whole transportation industry combined. It furthermore informs that large- scale factory farming is the leading cause of many environmental illnesses such as deforestation, desertification, water use, or species extinction.
Filmmaker and co- producer Kip Anderson approaches some of the biggest environmental organizations like Greenpeace and Sierra Club and questions their policies on the issue of animal agriculture. For some reason, the entire environmental movement seems to focus on the reduction of fossil fuels - Animal agriculture, on the other hand, is pretty much unchallenged. Anderson gets to the bottom of why organizations almost seem to be afraid of talking about the issue. Why you should watch it. It's fascinating to see how much you can lower your environmental footprint and use fewer resources just by adopting a plant- based lifestyle. Apart from the ethics and health reasons, this documentary provides even more great reasons to avoid animal products and shows that only if we transition more and more to plant- based eating, we will be able to sustain an increasingly growing population and dramatically reduce the impact of climate change.
COWSPIRACYCategory: Environment. Info. Running length: 1h 2. Director: Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn.
Release year: 2. 01. Graphic Footage. To uncover the truth, Mark goes as far as commissioning an airplane to fly over some of the factory farms.
On his journey, he interviews a broad range of people, questioning the fundamental belief that humans are thought to be superior to all other animals and that it's justified to torture and abuse them for the sake of our pleasure. Mark stirs some very thought- provoking discussions and asks uncomfortable questions as he dismantles the notion that human beings or of more moral worth than all other species. Why you should watch it. Many people claim that this film changed their world view entirely and it might just do the same for you.
It's intriguing in the way it challenges widely accepted beliefs. If you're already familiar with the ethical side of veganism, this documentary will expand your knowledge even further and equip you with some excellent responses for your debates. SPECIESISM: THE MOVIECategory: Animals. Info. Running length: 1h 3. Director: Mark Devries. Release year: 2. 01.
Graphic Footage. At first, they were mostly driven by the wish to lose weight, but as they get educated about the ethical and environmental implications of animal agriculture, their whole worldview is shaken. The three volunteers get to know about the cruelty in slaughterhouses and even trespass one to see for themselves what disturbing truth lies inside of those factories. While they were rather reluctant and resistant in the beginning of their journey, they soon start to see the advantages of a vegan lifestyle and become more and more passionate about their new- found conviction. The knowledge they gained makes it virtually impossible to return to their old omnivorous lifestyle. Watch Money Monster (2016) Online there.
Of course, it's not always easy and the three face quite a few hardships and challenges such as cravings, staying vegan on vacation and dealing with disapproving family and friends. Why you should watch it. Vegucated shows how fast a transformation to veganism can happen if people are properly educated about the far- reaching consequences of their lifestyle choices. At the same time, it opens our eyes to the fact that there's still a lot of ignorance and disconnection in our society: The three participants didn't have a clue about modern farming practices, health, and environmental consequences of eating animal products.
The documentary portraits three . Vegucated is especially compelling for those on the edge to veganism and non- vegans but even for vegans, it's a fun documentary to watch due to its light- hearted and sometimes comedic nature. VEGUCATEDCategory: Animals, Health.