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The White House Correspondents Dinner in 2. The last President to skip the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner was Ronald Reagan in 1.
Washington Hilton, where the dinner is held these days). But Reagan, in office only a few months, called in to the dinner and cracked a few jokes. The last President before Reagan who demurred was the one- termer whom Reagan beat, Jimmy Carter. The last before him was 1. Richard Nixon, who detested the press, had many enemies, real and imagined, and was soon to be impeached and resign. Which brings us to Donald Trump.
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The White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner (WHCD) and associated parties- and it seems like there were once dozens- have been a top priority for many in Washington for too long to remember. It's become the glitzy arena in which major journalism brands entertain their biggest advertisers in hopes that they just might get to catch the eye of the President of the United States- or even pick up George Clooney’s dropped dinner napkin.
Journalists of all stripes, not just the ones in the gilded cage of the White House beat, are along for the ride, as are lobbyists and flaks whose public affairs firms get clients to help pay for it all. Some high- profile correspondents are said to be rustling around for next year’s celebrity guests even as as this year’s tables are being cleared. And down the ranks, media types seeking invitations to parties they might not even attend descends to bloodsport levels. Or at least levels of indignity most would rather forget. Sounds like a stage tailored for our first reality- TV- forged, Twitter- obsessed president. In fact, some say the WHCD created President Trump when Barack Obama pissed him off by using his speech at the 2.
Trump to his face as a nouveau riche birther. Yet Trump’s now the first POTUS in over a generation to decline (via Twitter, of course) the standing invitation to roast and be roasted. Perhaps he will call or write in, and we heard he was sending Vice President Mike Pence- before White House press secretary Sean Spicer announced they would boycott the dinner, “standing in solidarity” with Trump’s avoidance strategy. Might language like “solidarity” be designed to make one think more of Lech Walesa than Richard Nixon? Nah, it’s probably just to leave no doubt that the us- against- them implication is no longer subtext- it’s explicit, and has trickled down to the staff.
Yes, the dinner is yet another battle in the president’s war on the press, but it was also a bloated relic in some need of some serious realignment. Sooner or later a President was going to bail.” (It should be noted that the New York Times pulled out years ago.). Then there’s also the prospect of lost revenue all around. The usual event sponsors, who in previous years would want to curry favor with both the President and the press, are “in a tight spot,” says one WHCD player. And if you do show up, who are you showing up for? Is it opposition or support for the White House?” There were so many problems with the dinner.
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Sooner or later a President was going to bail. Speaking of opposition, the weekend has in some ways gotten more interesting this year with the addition of parties planned in support of the press or antipathy to a volatile president. A Samantha Bee event is a prime example. As I mentioned above, it’s not just one night- the WHCD represents an entire social ecosystem. And this year, a couple of the alpha predators have disappeared. First was the early and very public cancellation of the Vanity Fair- Bloomberg party, which in the past was at the French Ambassador’s residence and attended almost exclusively by entertainment stars and top government officials (and very few White House correspondents). Bloomberg was going to go it alone after VF backed out, but then followed suit.
Since that news, it’s been harder to find out who’s buying tables at the dinner- and what key parties are happening- than it was to figure out who’d met with the Russian ambassador. The next big ticket to disappear was the Time- People party. This event once promised A- listers an impressive swag bag loaded with everything from Nespresso machines to pricey hair products, say. Though not aimed at Trump, Toyota’s move at least symbolically represents sponsors’ confusion as many neither want to appear to support Trump, nor oppose him. Time (full disclosure: I enjoyed five years as national security correspondent at the newsweekly) and Toyota wouldn’t discuss details.
A Time spokesperson emailed confirming the cancellation and say, in part: “As usual, Time will be participating in the WHCA dinner. People will be making a donation to the WHCA in lieu of tables at the dinner.”Toyota’s Aaron Fowles also politely dodged, emailing: “We are a sponsor of People, not the White House Correspondents’ Party.
We are not saying anything about whether or not we would have sponsored the party, gladly or not, as you have tried to imply. Just like any other sponsored program, the company/entity you sponsor presents an arrange of activities that are included in the sponsorship, and sometimes those things change.”Also not happening is Friday’s “Funny or Die” party, for years an exclusive, star- studded event with no selfies allowed, unless initiated by the stars themselves, which usually meant one star taking selfies with another (Damian Lewis, anyone?).
We hear the comedy outfit is ditching the event in favor of a college stunt like holding a potato sack race on the Georgetown University campus. But all is not lost. Some parties have survived the purge, most if not all invite- only, of course, and some with high security. One confirmed event on Friday will be the party following the Creative Coalition’s WHCD- timed 1. Congressional Arts Day.
A few Hollywood types may show up to advocate for federal funding for the National Endowment for the Arts- timely, since Trump just proposed eliminating the NEA- and arts in schools.“We have a whole campaign under the hashtag #Right. To. Bear. Arts,” says Creative Coalition CEO Robin Bronk. Bronk said she expects to be adding Fortune 5. They will then hold a gala for a mere 1.
DC that cares bout the arts.” Sponsors from $1,0. Bronk says she’d love to have Trump join that list . Voto Latino, too, will host its annual “Our Voices” cocktail reception at the Hay Adams’ rooftop overlooking the White House. There is a certain reluctance to give up one of last bastions of bipartisanship, of coming together.
Also on Friday, longtime Rolling Stones keyboardist Chuck Leavell will be hosting the White House Correspondents Jam. It will be sans the New Yorker band, since the magazine is among those pointedly skipping the weekend this year. But expected bands include folks from the Wall Street Journal and CNBC as well as Carl Hulse of the New York Times and his Nativemakers. The party for 3. 50, mostly journalists, at Hamilton Live is headlined by Billy Bob Thornton’s band, the Boxmasters.
My band, Suspicious Package, including Pulitzer- winning Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles on drums and vocals, is also in the lineup.)Moving to Saturday, Serious insiders can breathe a sigh of relief, as sources say the legendary Tammy Haddad Saturday brunch is a go. It will seek to raise awareness of veteran- run Dog Tag Bakery and to somehow honor journalists. For the untutored, Haddad was CNN and later MSNBC’s VP for Washington and produced some legendary talk shows like “Larry King Live” and “Hardball,” and is a credited consultant to HBO’s “Veep.” She’s a macher in D.
C., and a devotee of WHCD, maintaining a web site that tracks the event. Partially overlapping Tammy’s brunch is Saturday’s other leading event, Samantha Bee’s black- tie “Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner” pre- party, being thrown at 1 pm Saturday. At 3, Bee will tape a special before this same audience at Daughters of the Revolution Constitution Hall.