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New TV Technology 2. For the past few years, it seemed like Netflix had been making all the right decisions. The company had become the world’s foremost streaming giant.
The number of new shows and movies continued to grow at an unprecedented rate, and the company had legions of loyal fans. But then came 2. 01. Something now seems to be off. Netflix seems to be making all the wrong decisions in 2. The most obvious point to start with is Netflix’s plans for global domination. Netflix’s plans to expand around the globe have become so obvious.
Everywhere you turn these days, it seems like Netflix is throwing money around. Here’s just one example: at film festivals, they’ve become the new big spenders, eager to pick up the best new movies and showcase how they’ve become new players in Hollywood. Netflix paid nearly $6. War Machine” (with Brad Pitt) and $9. Bright” (starring Will Smith).
And it seems like Amazon and Netflix are buying up everything they can, eager to win some awards. We’re starting to see Netflix movies nominated for major awards. In 2. 01. 7, though, this strategy seems to have gone off the rails. One of the big stories coming out of the Cannes Film Festival this year was the “booing of Netflix.” Yes, that’s right, one of the new films that Netflix was showing at Cannes – “Okja” – received boos when the Netflix logo came up on the screen. That’s according to the Los Angeles Times. Of course, Netflix denies this. Their version of the story is that the film had been experiencing technical difficulties throughout the entire screening, and that the audience in Cannes was not booing Netflix.
Instead, the audience was booing the sound and picture quality, and they simply waited for the end of the movie. And that, coincidentally, was the same time that the Netflix logo came up on the screen. But you can see the problem here – Netflix is no longer automatically the “good guy.” When you get too big, and when you try to change the system, you suddenly become the “bad guy.” From the perspective of the Cannes crowds, Netflix may be winning awards, but they are killing the modern theater.
In short, fewer people are going to the movies because of Netflix. Why pay $1. 5 or $2. Netflix subscription? And the French are plenty upset about how brazen Netflix seems to be this year. As a result of Netflix, Cannes has created a new rule saying that any film at the festival must have a French theatrical release. In other words, if Netflix wants to have films represented at Cannes in 2.
Paris, Marseilles and Nice! Moreover, here’s another problem: Netflix seems to care less about what its viewers want, and more about what’s good for Netflix.
Ok, Netflix is a publicly traded corporation, so we understand that the company can’t be perfectly altruistic, but it somehow seems like the demands of Wall Street are forcing Netflix into new moves in 2. Here’s another example: in April, Netflix replaced its vaunted five- star recommendation engine with a simple Yes/No recommendation. This was basically the Facebook “like” with a single thumbs up or thumbs down. Some Netflix fans hated this. From their perspective, there’s a huge difference between a movie with 3. And that nuanced difference couldn’t possibly be matched with a single thumbs up or thumbs down. And, in fact, the New York Post ran a story called, “Netflix Users Already Hate Its New Rating System.”Here again, Netflix has an alternative explanation.
As they see it, people are more likely to give recommendations if all they have to do is give a thumbs up or thumbs down. And the more recommendations there are for a movie, the more likely people are to check it out and watch it.
So the whole recommendation process was changed to encourage people to watch more content (but not necessarily better content). You can see why some people say that Netflix has simply lost touch with its users in 2.
Every decision the company makes seems to be a pure business decision, driven by how it will pad the bottom line and make global expansion even easier. It’s all about the profits. And that has made Netflix tone deaf in 2.
Here’s yet another example – there’s been a huge online controversy over the Netflix show “1. Served Like A Girl Movie (2017) Free Download more. Reasons Why,” and yet Netflix continues to stand by its position that the show must go on. Despite the huge outcry in public that the film might glorify suicide for teens, Netflix seems to be perfectly OK with having the show in its archive. As Netflix seems to see it, all that outcry is going to be great for viewership. People who might not have watched it are now going to be plenty interested in checking it out. Another problem that has become particularly acute in 2. Netflix.” At one time, the idea of “going straight to cable” was the death knell for any movie.
It meant the movie was so terrible that it stood no chance of making a decent return at the box office, so the film just ended up on cable TV before the critics could eviscerate it in public. And now the same thing seems to be happening with shows that are “going straight to Netflix.”Basically, Netflix has so much cash these days that it is re- investing all of it into new content. On the surface, that might seem to be a good thing: Netflix is rescuing the film industry and helping to create the golden age of TV. But there’s a downside to all this. It now seems like Netflix is trying to become the new cable TV. The company has created so many new shows that it has lost the ability to control for quality. The goal is just more content, faster, and that’s going to have problems later down the line.
It’s the same feeling that one gets by scrolling through the listings of a 2. TV network. There may be a few quality shows, but in general, it’s just a bunch of dreck. Even worse, what’s good for Netflix is not necessarily good for moviemakers.
One little known secret about Netflix – and one that bloggers have been mentioning in 2. Netflix refuses to share data with content producers. Think about that for a second. Say that you’re a content studio that has just sold a movie or show to Netflix. The only way you will ever get any feedback about how it’s doing is if you hang out on social media, and try to make sense of viewer reactions and blog comments.
But you will never get a nice, tidy spreadsheet from Netflix showing the number of views, or any insights into demographics. So, as a moviemaker, that makes your job harder. You don’t really know how you are doing, or what types of films to make next. Yes, you got a big payday, but from here on out, the only one going to profit from it is Netflix. You’ve become part of the movie churn at Netflix, where the goal is to keep cranking out more and more content. Moreover, it’s now becoming clear that Netflix is not just changing viewer habits – such as by encouraging the binge- watch – it’s also changing the very structure of the movie industry.
If Netflix goes to a major film festival like Sundance and buys up all the best indie movies, then it means those movies will never show up in the cinema. They will go “straight to Netflix.” And now Netflix is going one step further, by buying up potential blockbuster movies. It’s now paying nearly $1. Will Smith. And that means Will Smith is not going to the cinema anymore for a box office payday – he’s going to straight to Netflix, who will write him a nice check. But think of what happens to movie audiences – no more summer popcorn movies featuring Will Smith, you’ll have to sign up for Netflix if you want to see him. And these films aren’t necessarily going to be any good.
Variety, for example, has already called the Brad Pitt “War Machine” movie a “costly flop.” Variety also called it a “dud.” So it’s no longer the case that everything Netflix touches turns to gold, at least in 2. So you can see why the crowds (purposefully) booed Netflix at Cannes this year.
The movie industry insiders understand how Netflix is changing the industry, even if movie fans at home don’t. And they aren’t happy about it.