Watch Hare Krishna The Mantra, The Movement And The Swami Who Started It All (2017) Online Free
Our advanced meditation course and retreat includes tips, videos will guide you for energy enhancement and illumination over traditional courses to remove energy. Un libro è un insieme di fogli, stampati oppure manoscritti, delle stesse dimensioni, rilegati insieme in un certo ordine e racchiusi da una copertina.
Deepika: I would like to know what "Rudra Abhishek Pooja" is all about? How to perform this pooja? Swami Ramswarup: In Vedas Rudra word is used for God, soul and air.
Questions & Answers: Older Questions - Third Set. Deepika: I would like to know what ? How to perform this pooja? Swami Ramswarup: In Vedas Rudra word is used for God, soul and air as also mentioned in Rig- Veda mantra 1/ 4. As regards Rudra Abhishek Pooja it is not mentioned in Vedas please. Vedas state worship only one formless Almighty, omnipresent God who has unlimited qualities and creates, nurses and destroy the universe.
Atul Dighe: Do People Dying During Pitr Paksh are freed from the cycle of Birth and Death and attain Moksh? Swami Ramswarup: No please, moksh has no concern with any paksh. It has concern with pious deeds according to Vedas, shastras, holy books and moksh is attained while a Yogi is alive and not during death or after death.
Tara Ramjit: Is repairing house during pitri pask wrong? Swami Ramswarup: To repair the house in any paksh or to do any pious deeds is not wrong please. One should perform only havan daily with Ved mantras. Premanidhi Panda: Do tantra and mantra help in success? Swami Ramswarup: Mantras, tantras are nothing. Yes one must listen Ved mantras and do havan daily. Your hard working with full concentration and devotion will sure do the needful, please.
Jatindar Paul: Is there a easier way to Sunn Samadhi? Swami Ramswarup: No please. One has to listen Vedas, must do daily havan, must be always be in contact with learned Acharya and must do hard practice of Ashtang yoga for the purpose. Nikita: What is the significance of ghat sthapana in navaratre and what is the procedure for it? Swami Ramswarup: Such sthapana etc., is not mentioned in Vedas. Vedas state worship only one formless Almighty, omnipresent God who has unlimited qualities and creates, nurses and destroy the universe.
Naveen: You have mentioned 2. Would you please mention names of these herbs/or provide me in reply email?
Swami Ramswarup: KASTURI, KESAR, AGAR- TAGAR, CHANDAN, JATAMANSI, ELAYCHI, JAYFAL, JAVITRI, GOOGAL, NAGARMOTHA, BALCHHAD, SUGANDHBALA, DALCHINI, JAU, GILOYA, CHUARA, BADAM, AKHROT, BANAKSHA, GUD, AND KISHMISH. Tiwari: Can prarabdh and the griha karam be changed by performing atishaya jaap? Swami Ramswarup: PRARABHADH AND SANCHIT KARMA can be burnt by the method that one must try to listen the preach of Vedas daily or as more as possible. Daily havan/Yagya, regular contact with learned Acharya etc., will sure do the needful please.
Yes, daily practice of yoga philosophy is also essential. Shubhra Narang: hum havana kaise kare,asaan sa tareika batane. Swami Ramswarup: Your views are highly appreciated as havan is the worship of God as well as purifies the atmosphere. In the book you'll read several good qualities of havan, including how to perform the havan with Ved mantras. S C: Is human is superior creature of God? Swami Ramswarup: Yes please. Human body is the best creation of the God.
S C: Shudras are also humans. Then why dharmashasthras and Manu recommend things against them? Swami Ramswarup: It has never been mentioned by Manusmriti. The eternal knowledge of Vedas which emanates direct from God also do not tells such statement (quoting certain slokas from Manu Smriti) Swami Ramswarup: Manu bhagwan was philosopher of Vedas. He could not think against the Vedas. It has been a conclusion of learned that such shlokas have been added afterwards. The following shlok have been added afterwards, from 2.
All above are false and have been added afterwards. S C: If any one desire to learn Vedas then you recommend them that first you study about the book which was I written or a true yogi written. Then you come to learn to Vedas. Swami Ramswarup: It depends at one's own wish.
It is not compulsory. However, the books written by any present learned assists the aspirant to understand Vedic philosophy easily. Purushotham: How many times a mantra should be chanted to get it's effects? Swami Ramswarup: One must chant ved mantra both times daily and affects is always awarded by God. Swami Ramswarup: Now a days mostly the saints and the people are not studying the eternal knowledge of God given in the shape of our Vedas. It has resulted to spread false meanings of divine Vedic words/mantras. So is the case of Divine word, .
Now let's see the Yajurveda mantra 1. So the meaning of DEEKSHA is clear that DEEKSHA is obtained by adopting Brahmacharya and observing truth, by speech, listening, holding in heart, etc. DEEKSHA i. e., the education of Brahmacharya and knowledge from Vedas/yoga philosophy etc., is obtained from an Acharya (learned of Vedas) by following the path of VRAT (VRATEN), i. Brahmacharya and true speech etc., as mentioned above.
Atharvaveda mantra 1. DEEKSHA as under- -- -- DEEKSHA = to observe Vedic rules, Brahmacharya, good education. The idea of whole mantra is- -- O!
God please take ME TO THE PIOUS Place Where Yogi, who has realized God and knows Vedas philosophy, resides, adopting DEEKSHA (as stated above) and TAPSA SAH = along with Tap, i. Vedas, control on five perceptions, five sense organs, and mind. Idea- -- - if an aspirant will reach the Above quoted place of a Yogi/brahamgyani, definitely he will realize God and get salvation. When people will be able to understand the said truth of the immortal Vedas then automatically beware of false prophets. The problem is only that the Bharatvarsh who was VISHWAGURU on the basis of Vedic culture has lost the knowledge of Vedas and hence illusion. Can I do with gaytri mantra? I was asking as Muslims and another casts are successful.
Success I was talking all kind of success. Is it not true that America is number one in power money, etc. Swami Ramswarup: Gayatri mantra is mentioned in three Vedas, so Gayatri mantra is the best. You can see its meaning on this web site, please. Is the power of America in arms and ammunition along with money can ever be compared with the power of king Harishchandra, Dashrath, Shri Ram, etc. Do you accept the culture of USA.
Ravana, Duryodhan, Aurangzeb, Napoleon, Sikander, were also powerful, but were they got peace as the peace was attained by our ancient Raj rishis. Is it fair to compare spiritualism/truth with power, money etc.? Duryodhan got many times more power of Army duly compared with Panadvas, but was badly defeated. So was the case of Shri Ram and Ravana war. Is any the richest person on the earth has got permanent peace at present even? Yes, protection of country is first motto, but it must always along with spiritualism and culture. USA, no doubt is a great country, because their citizens have nationality.
Law and order are also better. But our culture is quiet different. Abhishek: What is the Meaning of my name? Swami Ramswarup: Meaning is - -- sprinkling, royal function. Vibhor: If this birth is the result of the action or karmas of my last birth then what action or karmas I had done by which I had taken my first birth. Present birth is based on the deeds of several previous births. The bunch of such deeds of unlimited births is called sanchit karam.
And the present birth is based on sanchit karam. Secondly, soul is immortal, so the births are eternal and unlimited. Rajat Duggal: We do good with some people and they misuse and reuse against us.
What should I do with these people? Swami Ramswarup: One must do worship daily. Please try to listen preach of Vedas, even you can study the whole web site or spiritual books written by me. Free Fire (2017) Movie Dvd. The conclusion on the matter of co- operation or help is, one should always do help or do pious deeds without targeting the result thereof. Secondly one should always avoid the bad society or the people who are selfish and thankless. But one should never hate anybody.
Navin Chandra: Is the theory of evolution mentioned in the Vedas? Did man really evolve from Monkeys? Why are there so many species of life - were they all created separately or evolved? Swami Ramswarup: No matter of monkey please, otherwise the process could have been continued as yet. Species theory is not according to Vedas please.
Meditation - Wikipedia. For bodily positions applied during yoga, see Asana. Meditation is a practice where an individual operates or trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content. A particularly ambitious form of meditation aims at effortlessly sustained single- pointed concentration. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious traditions and beliefs. Meditation is often used to clear the mind and ease many health concerns, such as high blood pressure.
It may be done sitting, or in an active way—for instance, Buddhist monks involve awareness in their day- to- day activities as a form of mind- training. Prayer beads or other ritual objects are commonly used during meditation in order to keep track of or remind the practitioner about some aspect of that training.
Meditation may involve generating an emotional state for the purpose of analyzing that state—such as anger, hatred, etc.—or cultivating a particular mental response to various phenomena, such as compassion. Meditation has a calming effect and directs awareness inward until pure awareness is achieved, described as . The Latin Bible then translated h. Christian, Judaic, and Islamic forms of meditation are typically devotional, scriptural or thematic, while Asian forms of meditation are often more purely technical.
Around the 6th to 5th centuries BCE, other forms of meditation developed via Confucianism and Taoism in China as well as Hinduism, Jainism, and early Buddhism in Nepal and India. Western Christian meditation progressed from the 6th century practice of Bible reading among Benedictine monks called Lectio Divina, i. Its four formal steps as a .
Western Christian meditation was further developed by saints such as Ignatius of Loyola and Teresa of Avila in the 1. Rather than focusing on spiritual growth, secular meditation emphasizes stress reduction, relaxation and self- improvement. Research on meditation began in 1. Scientific reviews have proposed that researchers attempt to more clearly define the type of meditation being practiced in order that the results of their studies be made clearer. The specific name of a school of thought or a teacher or the title of a specific text is often quite important for identifying a particular type of meditation. Within a specific context, more precise meanings are not uncommonly given the word .
Meditatio is the third of four steps of Lectio Divina, an ancient form of Christian prayer. Meditation refers to a mental or spiritual state that may be attained by such practices. However, usage may vary somewhat by context – readers should be aware that in quotations, or in discussions of particular traditions, more specialized meanings of . Each set of ten is separated by another bead. The Hindu japa mala has 1.
Jainism and Buddhist prayer beads. Specific meditations of each religion may be different. Religious and spiritual meditation. Mahavira practiced deep meditation for twelve years and attained enlightenment. It has three important parts called the Ratnatraya .
The practitioner strives to be just a knower- seer (Gyata- Drashta). Jain meditation can be broadly categorized to Dharmya Dhyana and Shukla Dhyana.
There exists a number of meditation techniques such as pind. There is a rich tradition of Mantra in Jainism.
All Jain followers irrespective of their sect, whether Digambara or Svetambara, practice mantra. Mantra chanting is an important part of daily lives of Jain monks and followers. Mantra chanting can be done either loudly or silently in mind.
Yogasana and Pranayama has been an important practice undertaken since ages. Pranayama – breathing exercises – are performed to strengthen the five Pranas or vital energy. The practitioner meditates deeply on subtle facts. In agnya vich. In apaya vich. In vipaka vich. In sansathan vich. Asana and Pranayama, meditation, contemplation, mantra and therapy are its integral parts.
Core meditation techniques have been preserved in ancient Buddhist texts and have proliferated and diversified through teacher- student transmissions. Buddhists pursue meditation as part of the path toward enlightenment and nirvana. According to Manmatha Nath Dutt, there is hardly any difference between mainstream Hinduism's Dhyana, Dharana and Samadhi with the Buddhist Dhyana, Bhavana, Samadhi, especially as both require following the precepts (nayas and niyamas).
Buddhist meditation techniques have become increasingly popular in the wider world, with many non- Buddhists taking them up for a variety of reasons. There is considerable homogeneity across meditative practices – such as breath meditation and various recollections (anussati) – that are used across Buddhist schools, as well as significant diversity. In the Therav. Internal and external signs of this state are clearly defined: the body is cured of diseases; the mind is serene, at rest with no thoughts; a stream of ambrosia is poured inside the body of the yogi, accompanied by a feeling of tremendous joy and bliss. It is transmitted from guru to disciple in the Nath tradition. In Sahaja yoga few threads of the sacred energy Kundalini rise spontaneously and gradually grow in number.
Hinduism. This experience is referred to as moksha by Hindus, and is similar to the concept of nirvana in Buddhism. The earliest clear references to meditation in Hindu literature are in the middle Upanishads and the Mahabharata, the latter of which includes the Bhagavad Gita. These are ethical discipline (yamas), rules (niyamas), physical postures (. Other popular New Religious Movements include the Ramakrishna Mission, Vedanta Society, Divine Light Mission, Chinmaya Mission, Osho, Sahaja Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, Oneness University, and Brahma Kumaris. According to Brahma Kumaris, meditation means .
When Sikhs meditate, they aim to feel God's presence and immerge in the divine light. Guru Nanak in the Japji Sahibdaily Sikh scripture explains: Visits to temples, penance, compassion and charity gain you but a sesame seed of credit. It is hearkening to His Name, accepting and adoring Him that obtains emancipation by bathing in the shrine of soul. All virtues are Yours, O Lord! I have none; Without good deeds one can't even meditate. Sikhs believe that there are ten .
The tenth invisible hole is the topmost energy level and is called the tenth gate or Dasam Duaar. When one reaches this stage through continuous practice meditation becomes a habit that continues whilst walking, talking, eating, awake and even sleeping. There is a distinct taste or flavour when a meditator reaches this lofty stage of meditation, and experiences absolute peace and tranquility inside and outside the body. Followers of the Sikh religion also believe that love comes through meditation on the lord's name since meditation only conjures up positive emotions in oneself which are portrayed through our actions. The first Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached the equality of all humankind and stressed the importance of living a householder's life instead of wandering around jungles meditating, the latter of which being a popular practice at the time.
The Guru preached that we can obtain liberation from life and death by living a totally normal family life and by spreading love amongst every human being regardless of religion. In the Sikh religion, kirtan, otherwise known as singing the hymns of God is seen as one of the most beneficial ways of aiding meditation. Traditional Daoist meditative practices were influenced by Chinese Buddhism beginning around the 5th century, and later had influence upon Traditional Chinese medicine and the Chinese martial arts. Livia Kohn distinguishes three basic types of Daoist meditation: . It was developed by Tang Dynasty (6. Daoist masters based upon the Tiantai Buddhist practice of Vipassan.